Video Tape Run Program – 14 December 2020 update

The Video Tape program was introduced into Australia in 2020 in response to COVID restrictions preventing actual trials from being held.
Trials have now resumed and I am pleased to announce the VT program will continue in Australia
VT runs are a replacement for those who exhibitors who cannot make it to trials rather than a supplement to those also trialling.
The following applies to the VT program in Australia effective immediately;
- Any dog registered with NADAC may run courses and submit videos of their runs for Judging
- Videos must be submitted within 5 days of running the course
- Video submission costs $12.00 per run
- All NADAC rules apply
- You may not practice the course or any portion of the course before your videotape run
- Your first run of the course is the run you may submit for Judging and the second run should you elect to run a double run format.
- Descending Contacts (dog walk and Aframe must be clearly visible on your video
- The video must visibly show the dog running the entire course from leash off at the start of the run to leash on at the end of the run
- The dog must come to the start line with the leash on
- They must not be wearing a collar whilst running the course
- They must leave the course area on leash
- No treats within the course area
- VT runs cannot be submitted if there is a trial within 250km 5 days before AND 5 days after a VT submitted run
- There are no 5 point qualifying runs in VT
- Bonuses and extra point runs are not available in VT
Currently, it is permitted to use other venue contact obstacles and winged jumps provided you seek approval from the NADAC Australia Office prior to using for VT.
All other equipment should meet NADAC specification.
Course Building
All VT courses must be build via a grid unless the person building the course is a NADAC Judge
More information, courses and facility to submit VT runs can be found HERE